Top 10 Women in Technology Conferences in 2019

Technology in the 21st century is no longer a male-oriented career, but a place for women to take the lead at. Women in technology grow in numbers; and conferences that help these women take on leadership positions are springing up all over the world.
If you are looking for Women in Technology Conferences during 2019, here are 10 of the best Women in Tech Conferences worth looking into.

1 BlogHer

Place: Los Angeles, CA | When: Jan 24, 2019.
Ticket Price: $125 - $175
The BlogHer tech conference is one for women thriving in the blogging niche. However, it is not limited to bloggers only. The conference is also open to content creators, strategists, SEO practitioners and anyone who wants to learn more and network inside Digital Marketing.

2 Women in Cloud Annual Summit

Place: Redmond, WA| When: Jan 26, 2019
Ticket Price: $99 - $200
This headline event has a reputation for not only bringing women in the cloud technology niche together, but helping them make quality connections too. From starters to the top executives of the cloud industry, every woman in this field is welcome.

3 MAKERS Conference

Place: Rancho Palos Verdes, CA| When: Feb 6, 2019
Ticket Price: 
MAKERS conference provides a place for women of different backgrounds but the same interest to come together, debate on important issues in the tech fields, and work towards a viable solution. It allows MARKERS from diverse paths an opportunity to come together and make a difference.


Place: Dallas, TX | When:  Feb 7, 2019
NEXT is a conference streamlined for executives in the mortgage industry to come together and look for ways to drive better business outcomes that involve technology.

5 WE-Code

Place: Cambridge, MA | When: Feb 22, 2019
Ticket Price: $40 - $200
If you are a student and love to code, mark this on your calendar. This will be the largest student-run conference for women in computer science across the country.
During the conference, you will pick up new skills, broaden your ideas, and network with like-minded peers.
More information at WE-Code Harvard University

6 Lesbians who Tech

Place: San Francisco | When: Feb 28, 2019
During this conference, some of the biggest discussions will be held, on subjects such as health data, cyber security, big data and much more.
Register at Lesbians Who Tech.

7 Johnson Women in Technology

Place: New York, NY| When: Mar 1, 2019
Like WE-Code, this is another student-run conference.  Graduates come together to discuss current problems in technology and present possible solutions.  Attendees also get a sneak peek into the industrial life that they will be entering after school.  It is a great insight for budding technologists.

8 Women in the World

Place: New York, NY| When: Apr 10, 2019
Ticket Price: $900
The Women in the World conference gathers women leaders in technology from all around the world to tell their stories of achieving success. The stories consist of challenges that help to strengthen these women’s motivation and drive, leading to the fact that gender is, truly, never a factor in one’s road to success.

9 Diversity in Technology

Place: London, UK| When: TBD
This sold-out event last year focuses on embracing the diverse backgrounds of women who are making a foray into tech, proving that promoting more women to leadership positions in the technology sector really is not as far-fetched as it seems.
This conference also provides participants with groundbreaking technologies, empowerment for minority groups, and encouragement for organizations to embrace a diverse culture in their recruitment strategies.

10 We RISE Tech Conference

Place: Atlanta, GA | When: TBD
What better way to show that women are truly breaking new grounds in tech than to put them front and center? At We RISE, the focus is on the extraordinary women leaders in technology, curated from the strongest women in the industry from all over the world.  The result?  Massive motivation for the audience and future leaders in technology.

As promised, we delivered a fantastic list of Women in Tech Conferences.  Which one of these conferences will you be attending in 2019?  Let us know in the comments below.

This post was written by O. Christopher. For more information about the author, please contact us at STRONG WOMEN LEADERS CONTACT FORM.