Your life will almost always be filled with uncertainties. You can either feel anxious and defeated or embrace the ambiguity and welcome new possibilities. Of course, we all want to do the ladder but know that it is easier said than done. From grade school to grad school, we've been trained to master many things. Yet few of us have been trained to conquer life's twists and turns. What can you do to stay positive during uncertain times? Scroll down and find out.

How to Stay Positive During Uncertain Times?
1. Reframe the situation.
If the glass is half full, you will never feel desperate for water. To survive an unpredictable world, change your mindset and look for the positive in everything. Fear impairs judgement and decision-making. Instead of letting fear run wild, recognize and contain it by turning anxiety about the unknown into excitemnt for the future.An action that you can take immediately is to write all positive thoughts in a journal. What are you excited about in the future? What made you smile today? What are you grateful for? Play the numbers game and shoot for 10, 20 or 50 good thoughts. In no time, your fear will dissapear.
2. Find out what you can and cannot control.
Uncertainty can make you feel like you've lost control. However, you've got more handle on things than you realize. You just need to take a deep breath first.Next, draw a T-shaped table and take stock of what you know versus what you don't know. What you can find out more about versus what you can't quite understand yet. Last, what you can control versus what you cannot control.
Another exercise that you can do is the 10-question method. Reduce ambiguity by asking at least 10 questions, in order to narrow the scope and find clarity in an obscure situation. When you have found enough answers, you will realize that you have more solid information than you thought did.
No one likes the feeling of losing control; but if you focus on thinking logically, you will slowly gain it back and feel a whole lot better.
3. Make a decision and stick with it.
Winners take risks. Instead of asking 100 what-ifs and never move forward, make a decision and go for the win. Of course, you don't want to go about it blindly. Let your personal vision and intrinsic mission drive your decision-making. If what seems like a good idea doesn't lead you to where you want to go, then drop it and onto the next.Ideas come and go, but the ones that you should execute on are the ones that get the results that you want.